Practice the following words
for the test on Monday September 19th : The, is, bat,
big, cat, sat, mat, fat, rat, hat, ant, This, go, van, man, mad, pan, fan, car,
fast, dad, Look, at, and, cap, yellow, bag, pet, ham, sad, jar, I, black, farm,
map, Sam, nap, park, can, run, one, see, egg, leg, elf, men, bell, hen, boy, girl,
red, am, two, he, she, it, pen, jet, wet, bed, gray, green, three, you, are,
net, nest, vet, vest, fell, little, blue, tent, get, in, out, belt, web, we,
they, desk, help, well, four, want, pink, eat, my, like, sell, tell, play, box,
have, has, orange, tree, mom, mop, top, hot, from, here, there, see, five, who,
pot, dog, fox, hop, old, new, six, sleep, purple, long, how, come, lot, seven,
jump, swim, thin, what, cold, brown, baby, crib, short, log, hog, ox, pop, cot,
dot, job, eight, not, ball, white, dig, lid, wig, hill, listen, happy, nine,
know, where, find, with, without, will, pig, hit, fish, bib, sit, pin, ten,
fin, pill, kiss, do, does, sun, bus, bug, tub, hug, talk, walk, eleven, when,
rug, cup, pup, mud, duck, read, write, buy, win, up, twelve, mug, nut, cub,
ugly, pretty, why, because, down, under, neat, near, thirteen, make, take,
rake, lake, cake, gate, page, table, open, close, near, far, why, because,
fourteen, deer, beef, team, sea, seal, jeep, key, leaf, feet, sheep, cheese,
knee, need, ride, bike, tire, pie, kite, mice, fire, bite, tie, hide, drive,
time, nice, boat, rose, robe, note, hole, bone, bow, nose, coat, rope, fifteen, sixteen.
* Reading Book: Aa, Ss, Cc,
Mm, Tt, Pp, Ee, Nn, Ff, Bb, Jj, Oo, Kk, Rr, Dd, Ii, Yy, Uu, Zz, Ww, Ll, Vv, Gg
* Read: My yellow Book, My
Orange Book, My Blue Book, My Green Book, My Purple Book, My Red Book, Senses
Book, Caretakers book, Games We Play, My neighborhood, What animals eat, Frog
is Hungry, Living and Nonliving Things, The Vet, To the Store, How many legs?
*Practice the numbers from
* Practice greater than, less
than and equal numbers.
*Practice two digit addition
and subtraction.
*Practice mental math.
*Practice odd and even
* Homework book pages: 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76.
* Practice the poem #23.1
Letter “Gg”
“Get the gifts.
Do not be late.
Rum to the garden
and open the gate."
Reading test (spellings) September 26th-30th.Do not be late.
Rum to the garden
and open the gate."
*Read 10 minutes everyday
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